Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Introduction to my WHEAT BELLY

For the past two years now I have steadily gained weight....a total of about 30lbs! Lets look at the stats....I am a  27y.o female, 5 foot tall weighing an astonishing 144lbs, my BMI is calculated at 27.9% (people in China would call me OBESE!). Being short is not forgiving, every extra pound shows! So you might be wondering, this girl may have self esteem issues, or obsessed with skinny looking models and angry that she herself cannot look that way....WRONG. If anything I love the way women look in the bodybuilding forums, lean and muscular. That is my goal! Then your wondering "hey, just hit the gym and eat better!". pfft....sounds simple enough right? If it were, then why are we not all lean and skinny? hmmm...

Let me start by giving you a little more information about myself. Currently I am a nurse with 4 plus years experience. I have been a gym goer and active since I was 18. But It all started when I hired a trainer when I was 23, I needed someone to guide me through workouts and push me to gain strength and weight loss. After a year... what a transformation I went from 140lbs BMI >30 to just under 120lbs and BMI 22%, plus a much stronger and leaner me. I read health books, workout books all to gain more self knowledge. I became obsessed with weight loss. I continued on my own weight loss journey. I finally hit my "prescribed" weight for my height. Weighing 112lbs BMI 19% at the age of 24 almost 25. YAY !" how did I do it?" Id ask myself today. When I really thought back at my eating habits, they were ridiculous. I cut out so many calories and worked out 6days a week for 2 hours! That cant be healthy....Now was I skinny? yes. Was I the lean sexy muscular look Ive always wanted? NO. My family was concerned, they began to say I looked "sick". But regardless I was happy, I wasn't this over weight girl I have spent most of my life being.

Long story short my eating habits were not sustainable nor a way of living life. I got comfortable being skinny and little by little began eating what I pleased. Still I always maintained my gym going habits, I did P90X, I did the Jillian Michaels 30 day get ripped challenge, I ran 5Ks and even joined a Crossfit Joint. You'd think by then I was this lean transformed machine, almost an athelete. NOPE. FAR FROM IT! Steadily overtime I started gaining weight sometimes losing some, but always gaining it back plus more! I got desperate, tried diets, thermogenic weight loss pills, double my workouts, starved my self , quit smoking (yes then a smoker). Slowly I was sabotaging my own metabolism. What did I do so wrong!? Was I in denial? Did I not learn from ALL of my own educational reading and advice that DIET and consistency are 80% of your weight loss goals? NOPE. Not yet, I had to hit several rock bottoms before it finally hit me.

So here I am today, battle wounds and all. Your typical American trying to figure out the perfect weight loss method. Is there one? Heck no, I think most of us have or will eventually figure that out. Simple as this, clean up your diet and be consistent in your workouts. Time will reap results. Now I am not only "cleaning up my diet" but I have come to the realization that something has been wrong in my diet. I eat mostly healthy. Lots of good fats, lean meats, veggies and fruits and your FDA recommended heart healthy whole wheats and grains. Hmmm....Ive read The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf (recommended to all crossfitters), amazing information, results mind blowing. But I failed to stick to it and go back to my grains and breads. A year and a half later, today I am reading Wheat Belly-William Davis M.D. Compare the two and find minimal differences. Only in their approach to the subject differs. But their point: WHEAT EQUALS FAT AND UNHEALTHY BODIES! So my challenge starting today April 24th 2012, is for the next 30daysto  eliminate Wheat from my diet completely and report my results to YOU. I will discuss further more in my blogs how and why wheat is so DAMAGING to humans in every aspect. I am NOT a dietitian, nor a trainer. I am simply giving you information based on my experiences and personal knowledge as a health care provider and health advocate. So stay tuned as I take you into the journey of a real life experiment, a life without wheat!


  1. I think this is awesome! I'm excited to see what you come up with!!! Good luck!

  2. Thankyou! keep up with the blogs and I'm sure you'll find no disappointment;)

  3. I start my no wheat transformation tomorrow :) thank you! Btw tx me the title of the book you're reading now :). -marissa
